Divine Service

Just as Jesus welcomed the little children, we love having children in worship.  Families with small children may want to consider sitting in the front pews to better enable their children to see and participate in the worship service. If your infant or child has need, there is a Comfort Room located at the rear of the sanctuary, with a large window so that you may still be a part of the worship service.  Diaper changing stations may be found upstairs in the women’s restroom or downstairs in the unisex restroom.

Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday at both services. 

God places great importance on the celebration of Holy Communion and desires His people to be properly prepared to partake of it. Part of proper preparation includes a Biblical understanding of what the Lord’s Supper is all about.  Because we believe this, we extend an open invitation to all Missouri Synod Lutherans to commune at the Lord’s Table, but out of Christian love, ask that all others speak to Pastor Manor prior to communing here for the first time.



Midweek Worship

Sunday School – Kids for Christ

 Adult Bible Study

Special Worship Services and Holiday Services – Information and times will be posted on the News Blog and the Calendar.